
Showing posts with the label Kupala Night

Kupala Night / Noc Świętojańska

You guessed it right - the idea for "Kupala Night" was born immediately after I finished my "Three Graces of Spring" :) Zgadliście - pomysł na "Noc Świętojańską" urodził się zaraz po skończeniu "Trzech wiosennych Gracjii" :) Kupala Night is a Slavic celebration of ancient pagan origin marking the end of the summer solstice and  the beginning of the harvest (midsummer). The arrival of summer is celebrated on St. John’s Eve in Poland  and it is an interesting mix of pagan and Christian influences. It is a magical night so all my efforts went to  convey this magic with fabrics and threads (and some beads too). Uwiodła mnie magia Nocy Świętojańskiej i cały wysiłek włożyłam w oddanie tej magii przy pomocy  nici, tkanin i odrobiny koralików. The plants and herbs gathered on Kupala eve were believed that could protect one from the evil forces  of nature and even cure illnesses in humans and animals. Bonfires are thought to be benefic